I oppose repeal of the death penalty and I am very disappointed that you are co-sponsoring SB 276.
D. C. Russell
PG-Politics Blog & Mailing List
Sent 22 Jan 2013, 7:49 am
from: Currie, Ulysses Senator
to: "Diane C. Russell"
date: Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 9:19 AM
subject: RE: [Caution: Message contains Suspicious URL content] Death Penalty
What is your home address?
I'm not sure if I am for or against the death penalty. You have 2 sides - on one side they committed heinous crimes and should get something like what they did to the victims. On the other side they will be a huge financial drain on society to the tune of millions of dollars in court, jail costs, etc. When we as a society can't afford to give good, decent healthcare to many of our law abiding citizens, then why should we be doing this for societies worst... Regardless of what you think make make a difference and get your voice heard at Be heard!