Gory Prince George's
- Seaton, Stacey Lynne, 17 (5.070)
- DeSha-Overcash, Justin, 22, (1.011), 11 Jan 2011
- CollegeParkPatch: Getaway Driver From DeSha-Overcash Murder Scheduled for Sentencing Today; Stephan E. Weaver ... is.gd/0gMX3J
- darcyspencer Stephan Weaver gets 15 years for the role in the 2011 death of University of Maryland Student Justin Vance Desha-Overcash.
- nsmcgill Getaway driver in #UMD student’s 2011 murder gets 15-yr sentence; Victim’s mother forgives driver is.gd/wPsy64
Public Safety
Corruption, Scandals and Ethics Reform:
2012 Elections
- realpgcounty It is endorsement time! Make sure to read our blog on Sunday for who we pick in school board, congressional, and the senate race.
- PG Board of Education
- -PG-Politics Fwd: Fw: PGCPTA - PGCPS Board of Education Candidate Forum 2012, Mar 27 @: Thanks to PGCPTA for sha... yhoo.it/AkY8bz
- realpgcounty District 5 candidate Taylor is latest to respond to allegations against PGCPS administrators wp.me/p1efJr-c7
County Government and Politics
State Government and Politics
- -PG-Politics Fwd: Re: HB127 - Destroys Right of Referenda / See Notary Requirement: THANKS, NOW, KILL THE BILL (... yhoo.it/ysSmSe
- DHillMaryland Senate amends bill banning smoking in cars w/ children. Now covers kids younger than 16 rather than 8. More debate next week.
- DHillMaryland Wow. Car smoking ban: Senate reconsiders age-change amendment, REJECTS it. Bill goes back to applying only to kids under 8.
- EmilyMiller MD concealed carry news- RT @NRANews: Maryland: AG asks judge to lift court order on gun permits bit.ly/Ad8699 #NRA
- AnnieLinskey House debating bill that would allow children of Md residents, including those who have never lived in US, the right to vote here. HB266
- AnnieLinskey Interesting MT @JustinReady: O'Malley doesn't support Med Marijuana bc it violates fed law. Where was that w the instate tuition 4 illegals?.
- realpgcounty W/ enthusiasm low 4 MD pres. primary N less than a month, the @mddems party continues 2 b @martinomalley's Presidential campaign in waiting
- Budget and Taxes:
- -PG-Politics Fwd: (MD) Senate panel OKs income tax increases for most Marylanders: Maryland Senate panel OKs inc... yhoo.it/yzpxGr
- mdreporter Senate spending plan includes tax hikes for all. bit.ly/zShadc
- mdreporter Pension shift would cost counties $500M over next four years. bit.ly/yhD6ia
- -PG-Politics Fwd: Senate budget plan disregards property tax caps !: Hold onto your wallet when a politician say... yhoo.it/xrXJyq
- bbjonline You know that tax debate going on in Annapolis? Businesses are caught in the middle bizj.us/b5ghh (sub reqd)
- gazette_net Maryland delegates haven’t been willing to shift more of the cost of teacher pensions onto local jurisdictions in... fb.me/PAMaqSvi
- ben_giles Maryland Senate panel OKs income tax hikes, teacher pension shift as part of budget plan. bit.ly/yfsIWG
- -PG-Politics Fwd: Re: Senate budget plan disregards property tax caps !: Will anyone be able to afford to live i... yhoo.it/zbkoZr
- -PG-Politics Fwd: PG Taxers: Peters (D-25) & Currie (D-25) support plan to raise income taxes, ooverride ... is.gd/Wakwoq
- GazPolitics Pension shift plan gaining traction in House: tinyurl.com/7emvevr
- -PG-Politics Fwd: Bag Tax on Its Way!!!: Judy, Do you really think that our county council members will show any res... is.gd/wdqt1j
- AFPMD We need you to "Testify Against The Gas Tax" this Wednesday. For more information please go to... fb.me/17XubgeLs
- MDPolicy Senate budget plan includes tax increases for (almost) all and $600M in spending cuts. ow.ly/9yw63
- -PG-Politics Fwd: Re: Bag Tax on Its Way!!!: We talk, and we talk, now is the time for action! I will not be abl... yhoo.it/wXtKIz
- -PG-Politics Fwd: PG Taxers,: Judy, This is an incomplete list of tax bills ...... yhoo.it/wZD8Bt
- MDPolicy Shifting teacher #pensions to counties would cost them $500M over next four years. ow.ly/9ywga
- MDPolicy I agree with Donald Fry on this: it doesn't make sense to raise taxes to fund current spending. ow.ly/9yLG0
- -PG-Politics Fwd: HB 898- PG Delegates Give Millionaires Tax Breaks - you and I - soak: Group, just look at this... yhoo.it/zd431l
- CBSWashDC Leslie Johnson Begins Prison Term Friday cbsloc.al/wgHJaY
- -PG-Politics Fwd: HB 1388 - Taxes Gasoline $.5 a gal: Group, Here is one of the bills where you get screwed!!!!!... yhoo.it/x4eoey
- -PG-Politics Fwd: Blair Lee: Left holding the bag: gazette.net/article/201203…... yhoo.it/AxIQc6
- MDPolicy MD legislators pushing for combined reporting again, despite concerns over our business climate. ow.ly/9yMn1
- pgpolitics Post: O'Malley opts for more regressive 'flush tax' is.gd/os9q9B
- pgpolitics Sun: O'Malley to testify for gas tax proposal is.gd/J2tKLN
Government Censorship:
Big Brother is watching us (and related oppression):
- PGPDJulie #PGC Drivers: Speed cams live at Reid Temple Christian Academy, Divine Peace Lutheran School & Kettering MS #traffic
- radleybalko NYC distributes condoms, encourages their use, but NYPD says women who carry them can be arrested for prostitution. theatlantic.com/health/archive…
- DHillMaryland Senate amends bill banning smoking in cars w/ children. Now covers kids younger than 16 rather than 8. More debate next week.
- DHillMaryland Wow. Car smoking ban: Senate reconsiders age-change amendment, REJECTS it. Bill goes back to applying only to kids under 8.
Business, Transportation and Development
Local (Municipalities)
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