Daily "Recent Prince George's County News" updates were suspended in early March 2016. They were compiled primarily from retweets of news headlines. Those retweets continue, but in unformatted and unarchived form at PG-Politics-Briefs. To follow such headlines on a current basis, follow @pgpolitics on Twitter.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Following local news; Changes in Gazette community pages; Gazette v. Patch

Announcement from Gazette.Net, 10 Jun 2011:
Gazette.Net has moved to a new content management system and due to some technical challenges during the transition, you may experience difficulties accessing stories on parts of our site. We are working to resolve these issues as quickly as possible and appreciate your patience.
The Gazette has apparently reorganized its community pages as part of the change.

The "News by community" menu contains the same thirteen Prince George's County communities, but they now link to only four unique Gazette pages, compared to seven unique Prince George's County Patch sites.

The Gazette does seem to report news from most of the county, including communities not named explicitly, while Patch reporting is generally limited to the named communities, which are all in the northern and eastern parts of the county, with no Patch sites for the central and western areas of the county.

My experience in trying to follow county news has been that Patch generally makes it much easier to find daily news updates, especially with their use of Twitter and RSS feeds, while the Gazette tends to do a better job (if you can figure out what is new) of covering the county as a whole, education issues, and the whole central and western half of the county, especially the areas inside and near the Beltway southwest of Martin Luther King Avenue (MD 704) and outside the Beltway south of Pennsylvania Avenue (MD 4).

Gazette Community Pages
Menu Page title and link
Bowie Bowie
Clinton Upper Marlboro/Clinton {http://www.gazette.net/section/uppermarlboro}
College Park Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
Fort Washington Upper Marlboro/Clinton {http://www.gazette.net/section/uppermarlboro}
Greenbelt Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
Hyattsville Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
Landover Largo/Lanham/Landover
Lanham Largo/Lanham/Landover
Largo Largo/Lanham/Landover
Laurel Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
New Carrollton Largo/Lanham/Landover
Port Towns Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
Upper Marlboro Upper Marlboro/Clinton {http://www.gazette.net/section/uppermarlboro}
Compaison of Named Patch and Gazette Sites
Patch Gazette
College Park
Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
Riverdale Park
Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
University Park
Laurel/College Park/Hyattsville
Upper Marlboro
Upper Marlboro/Clinton {http://www.gazette.net/section/uppermarlboro}
No Patch site Largo/Lanham/Landover

1 comment:

  1. Yes Bravo! The whole neighborhood series was well done.

    Click For More Information : Local Community Pages
