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Friday, October 29, 2004

Re: For the Future of PG County

From: "jyandoh"
Date: Fri Oct 29, 2004 9:57am
Subject: Re: For the Future of PG County

Good morning, all:

Whew! What an exasperating election season! What a glaring campaign of misinformation! Thankfully, it will be over in a few days - and the majority would have spoken definitively.

Mr. Scroggins made several good and critical points of fact and logic, something apparently lost on Charnaylatashawashington@yahoo.com, who as a contrarian makes several errors of fact and of logic.

"Standing up" to the County Executive or to any elected official for that matter is part and parcel of the political process. Legislatures and courts do that daily and is par for the course. It is called checks-and-balances in a democracy!

Charnaylatashawashington@yahoo.com evidently takes delight in being part of the minority in Prince George's supporting the infamous Question H.

The only persons/entities on record as supporting Question H are:
  1. Councilman Tom Hendershot - He is the only council member who would benefit directly by circumventing the will of the majority of Prince Georgians who have voted, twice, to enforce term limits on our Council representatives.
  2. ACORN - This organization paid solicitors for each signature they obtained in favor of putting Question H on the ballot. They did not engage in a grassroots movement at all.
  3. Large, moneyed, and politically connected developers and real estate interests who evidently are seeking a larger role in deciding what they can build, where, and when, in Prince George's County.
  4. PGCEA: Interesting that an educators' association would support moneyed interests whose actions thus far have overcrowded classrooms all over the County with few or no consequences. the union is supposedly paying a politiucal debt to Tom Hendershot for his support over the years while he was a member of the previous Board of Education.
On this ballot question, ACORN is not speaking for parents, schools, communities and parents. On the other hand, members of the citizens group, the "Vote NO on Question H" Committee are true volunteers; they exist in all communities and County Districts, and have been going door-to-door and passing out "Vote NO on Question H" flyers in churches, homes, malls and shopping centers all across this County. This is true grass-roots activism.

Several published media reports and questions are being raised about ACORN's supposedly role in dubious electioneering practices all over the country.

Politics is a contact sport, often derided as a "dirty game." It behooves everyone not to confuse the interests of a single politician (Mr. Tom Hendershot) with those of parents, communities and children crying for relief from overcrowded schools created largely as a result of the over-building of homes and apartments in our County by these moneyed and powerful developers and real estate magnates.

There is reportedly not a single developer initiative that Mr. Hendershot has not supported while on the current County Council. One need not be blind to the possibility that he would not stop doing so as an at-large Council member.

To all County voters:

On November 2, please "Vote NO on Question H" and tell the lone Council member fighting against voter-imposed term limits to fuggedaboutit.

Send a powerful message to the so-called "Gang of Six" that on this issue of allowing term-limited politicians to come back in through the back-door of Question H, they (the Gang) do represent the voices of communities, parents and children.

Vote NO to special interests and efforts to void term-limits in favor of one politician!

Question: Charnaylatashawashington@yahoo.com, you sound awfully similar to Amberjohnsondc@hotmail.com who also supports Question H and exhibits lack of basic information about our County. Amberjohnsondc@hotmail.com referred to Jack B. Johnson as "Chair of the County Council" and Charnaylatashawashington@yahoo.com refers to
our County using a disrespectful abbreviation.

If I am wrong forgive my asking but you would not be one and the same person, would you?

In any case, I am hoping that you would come around to accept and respect the wishes of Prince George's residents and refer to our County as "Prince George's," not that other disrespectful abbreviation.

I certainly hope that the majority of Coiunty voters, on Tuesday, November 2, will vote to respect the wishes of Prince George's voters who, in their collective wisdom, imposed term-limits on council members, something which Question H seeks to nullify.

Vote NO on Question H!

Thank you.

Jacob Andoh

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