Daily "Recent Prince George's County News" updates were suspended in early March 2016. They were compiled primarily from retweets of news headlines. Those retweets continue, but in unformatted and unarchived form at PG-Politics-Briefs. To follow such headlines on a current basis, follow @pgpolitics on Twitter.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Recent Prince George's County News (28 Feb 2011)

Public Safety
2011 Maryland General Assembly
Government & Politics
  • County:
    • Examiner: Pr. George's Council backs watered-down ethics bill http://is.gd/O7IkbZ 
    • PG County News: Baker to testify Wed afternoon in favor HB 1001 and HB1059 to raise gas tax
    • EnvisionPrinceG Prince George's County Council host town hall meeting Monday night on FY 2012 Budget. For details, visit: http://is.gd/UGz7Aa. .
    • kidjk is on my way to the PG County Council Budget Town Hall.
      • The county auditor is presenting an overall of the budget #pgcountybudget
      • The county has a spending affordablity committee who sets levels for the  #pgcountybudget who knew.
      • 39% of the  #pgcountybudget comes in the form of outside aid directed at the school system. Largest form of income in the budget
      • The Council will begin their  #pgcountybudget hearings in May.
      • Eight of the nine councilmembers are present at the #pgcountybudget townhall. Lehman not here.
      • There are a lot of young people at 2nights  #pgcountybudget townhall.
      • The parents of @pgcps have not ended their outrage over dr.hite's budget  #pgcountybudget
      • First five speakers at  #pgcountybudget townhall all spoke outagainst the @pgcps budget.
      • Dr. Hite's cuts to bus transportation for speciality programs  #pgcountybudget
      • Parents, teachers, students, and even alums continue to slam @pgcps plan to charge for speciality transportation.
  • State:
  • Big Brother:
  • Post: Study: Manassas Park and Calvert County have most efficient schools in DC area; PG & Charles least efficient http://is.gd/n6qS17 
  • gazette_net: Prince George's school board adopts fiscal 2012 budget that would cut programs and 1,100 jobs. http://fb.me/LpyWmLQU 
  • Riverdale Park Patch: PTA Raises Thousands for University Park Elementary http://is.gd/9NnwJj
Business, Transportation & Development
Local (Municipalities)

List of PG Police Press Releases, February 2011

List of Prince George's County Police press releases, with real urls. The official lists of press releases use javascript, not real hyperlinks to the individual pages.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Recent Prince George's County News (27 Feb 2011)

Public Safety
Government & Politics
  • Big Brother:
    • Gazette: Surveillance cameras could be coming to Forest Heights; Many res. on board as long as police patrols not repl. http://is.gd/jCxRWS.
Business, Transportation & Development
      Local (Municipalities)

        Saturday, February 26, 2011

        Recent Prince George's County News (26 Feb 2011)

        Public Safety
        2011 Maryland General Assembly
          Government & Politics
          • State:
          • National:
            • MDMRN Federal employee unions have fewer rights than @GovWalker is offering public unions in Wisconsin. Obama's wage freeze could not happen on a federal level if federal unions had the rights @GovWalker is still offering
          • Scandals and Ethics Reform:
            • PG_Discussion (Linda Saffell): ACI Task Force met this a.m.: The scheduled Accountability, Compliance and Integrity Task Force ... http://yhoo.it/fGGcNg
            • pgfflinda small, small crowd at ACI in Ches Hall 
            • Prog Cheverly and PGFF only, so far  
            • another ACI TF mtg this a.m. sparsely attended but informative   
            • TF heard from HR management, contracts and procurement today. Still info gathering, aware they need to synthesize too, and fast 
            • heard from citizens on need for indep. audits, xparency, xparency, xparency.
            • LAND USE POLICY of great concern. Also, contract monitoring for quality, performance. ARC? PAG? Roles of Office of Law?
            • County Council committees r looking @ contracts, r they getting the FULL story? Not for certain
          • Big Brother:
          • pgcpsparents overall half of the total number of media specialists in Prince George’s County will lose their jobs. 
            • Camp Schmidt will be closed 
            • Parent Talk Live: Express your budget views on Sunday at 8pm call in 914.803.4591
            • 2nd Annual Parental Engagement Conference: “Creating Diversity in Your Parental Engagement Strategies contact forestoftherain@gmail.com
            • @kidjk call parent talk, want to hear your views on the budget for PGCPS...show airs at 8pm call in number is 914.803.9451
          Business, Transportation & Development
          Local (Municipalities)

          Friday, February 25, 2011

          Recent Prince George's County News (25 Feb 2011)

          Public Safety
          2011 Maryland General Assembly
          Government & Politics
          • Recent Prince George's County School Budget News (24 & 25 Feb 2011) http://is.gd/R9nqFh 
            • GreenbeltPatch PGC Board of Education adopted the $1.6 billion budget for the 2012 fiscal year, now it needs approval from the county: http://ow.ly/43AG0 
            • realpgcounty @pgcps approved @PGCPSHite's budget last night which called for deep cuts to most departments and spared most of the administration.
            • PrinceGeorgians Reading, other programs face sharp cuts in Prince George's http://t.co/RhRJhgi #pgcounty #princegeorges#maryland 
            • PGCTV I uploaded a YouTube video -- Save Camp Schimdt http://youtu.be/Ieh4MruD2kM?a 
            • pgcpsparents This is one of the most historical budget votes in the history of PGCPS took place last night, many feel betrayed by grand standing BOE 
              • 8-1 vote on one of the most historical budget votes in the history of PGCPS, what direction is the system headed, three years of cuts 
              • many voted for after stating could not vote for a budget that did not contain alternatives for Camp Schmidt, reading recovery and others but didvote for anyway
              • We encourage parents to stay alert continue to watch BOE meetings and stay connected to your BOE Rep
              • much to be concern with, no alternative to reading recovery, over 100 positions, only 43 Title 1 schools and not all need reading recovery
              • massive layoffs likely of reading recovery teachers  other
          • LaurelPatch Parent group opposes opening of a new #Laurel charter school at the Boys and Girls Club. http://patch.com/A-fwng .
          Business, Transportation & Development
          Local (Municipalities)

          Recent Prince George's County School Budget News (24 & 25 Feb 2011)

          News reports:
          Twitter reports, before during and after the meeting, most recent items first.

          Thursday, February 24, 2011

          Recent Prince George's County News (24 Feb 2011, incomplete)

          Public Safety
          2011 Maryland General Assembly
          Government & Politics
          • County:
            • DCAbloob Unlike my wonderful county, the District of Columbia actually has a recall process for its leader. Just saying.... 
            • PGD9Politico Now have a conflict w/ ACI mtg on Saturday that I can't cancel. Anybody else able to tweet or report back on it, let me know! 
            • PGD9Politico I welcome guest blog contributors, learn more here: http://t.co/9FUkf6b 
            • PGD9Politico Guest Blog by "RF" - Is Mel Franklin (@melcouncil9) responding to your e-mails? http://wp.me/p15aII-25
            • melcouncil9  Over 200 residents attended tonight's District 9 Community Advisory Meeting in Upper Marlboro! Far exceeding expectations. Special thanks to DPWT, MD Dept of Trans, Dist 9 School Bd Rep & Liaison, District IV & V Police. Next mtg, Mar 24 7PM @ Accokeek Acad. 
          • State:
          • Big Brother:
          Business, Transportation & Development
          Local (Municipalities)

          Wednesday, February 23, 2011

          Recent Prince George's County News (23 Feb 2011)

          Public Safety
          2011 Maryland General Assembly
          • News_PGCounty MD senate advances same-sex marriage. Pinsky, Ramirez and Rosapepe vote yes. Benson, Currie, Muse and Peters vote no. Final vote Thursday.
          • MDPolicy #Mossburg: Public #unions are so powerful in #MD that elected officials are paying for their support from fear http://su.pr/1oTxOD 
          • Aarons4MD In Annapolis attending House Judiciary Cmte hearing on HB 363 to create new law on MV Manslaughter-criminal negligent standard!!
          • CNSmd Committee is hearing a bill by Sen. Allan Kittleman to limit housing allowances for legislators who live within 50 miles.
            • Kittleman said that the state could save $300,000 if lawmakers would check out from their hotels on weekends. 
            • Sen. Joanne Benson said that she worries that people think lawmakers don't need overnight accomodations. 
          • CNSmd Reps. from the University of Phoenix are testifying before a Senate committee against a bill to regulate for-profit colleges (SB695, co-sponsored by Sen. Pinsky, D-22). 
            • The bill attempts to distinguish between private non-profit and for-profit schools
            • Sen. James Rosapepe says the bill is an attempt to slant the playing field against for-profit schools.
            • The bill would prohibit state financial aid to students of for-profit schools.  .
          • Bills sponsored by PG members:
          • Budget & Taxes:
          Government & Politics
          • County:
            • postlocal Pr. Geo's: Fees for abandoned properties? http://wapo.st/dE0k5N 
            • melcouncil9 Reminder: District 9 Comm. Advisory Mtg, Thurs, Feb 24, 7pm, James Madison Middle School, 7300 Woodyard Rd, Upper Marlboro. #fb 
            • melcouncil9 District 9 Staff attending community meetings in Accokeek, Brandywine, and Upper Marlboro tonight! #fb 
            • melcouncil9 New: County Council Town Hall Mtg on the Budget on Feb 28 7-9pm @ PGCC Largo Student Center, Comm Rm B, 301 Largo Rd, Largo. #fb 
            • melcouncil9 Visited Pr. Geo. Correctional Facility today w/ my colleagues. It's shocking how much human potential is lost on a daily basis. #fb 
            • pgfflinda Any #PG County Baker CABINET members Tweeting?
            • PGCCouncilMedia Council Mber Karen Toles Distr 7, will host Community Mtg Feb. 26th, 8:30 am @Samuel Massie Comm Ctr, 3301 Regency Pkwy in Forestville
            • PrinceGeorgesMD Rushern L. Baker, III, holds Second Public Budget Hearing http://youtu.be/U8US_z6p2b4  
              • @PrinceGeorgesMD Re: Baker holds 2nd Public Budget Hearing. Where's the hearing? You only posted Baker's intro. Repeat: Where's the hearing? .
          • Big Brother:
            • postlocal RT @drgridlock: Here's a guide to red-light cameras around the region. Weigh in with your opinion and experiences. http://wapo.st/eDFHJP 
            • North College Park Informant: New Speed Camera Location on Rhode Island Ave. http://is.gd/1IrkdP 
            • NealAugenstein WTOP: Md AG Doug Gansler says likely legal, appropriate to require prospective Corrections employees to provide social networking passwords .
          • PG school budget priorities:
          • KhadijahOnline I feel like a neglectful mother every time I send my daughter to her school. That school is awful
          • CNSmd Reps. from the University of Phoenix are testifying before a Senate committee against a bill to regulate for-profit colleges (SB695, co-sponsored by Sen. Pinsky, D-22). 
            • The bill attempts to distinguish between private non-profit and for-profit schools
            • Sen. James Rosapepe says the bill is an attempt to slant the playing field against for-profit schools.
            • The bill would prohibit state financial aid to students of for-profit schools.
          Business, Transportation & Development

          Tuesday, February 22, 2011

          Recent Prince George's County News (22 Feb 2011)

          Public Safety
          2011 Maryland General Assembly
          Government & Politics
          Business, Transportation & Development
          Local (Municipalities)
          • Bowie:
            • BowiePatch  Acting Police Chief Nesky says the city will use #PGCounty training facilities for the 1st time, to train 4 Bowie officers in April.  
            • BowiePatch  Nesky says that Bowie's new CID closed 51% of cases in 2010 (Nov 1- end) and is right now at 63% for 2011- Says, "Crazy numbers"
          • Cheverly: